A Professional Guide for Ethnically Diverse and First-Generation Individuals

Sep 25, 2023

Our Strategic Imperative in the Workplace

Let's dispense with a tired idea: Our presence in a company isn’t an act of corporate altruism. We are not merely checkmarks on a diversity report. Rather, our inclusion is a strategic imperative for organizations eager to remain agile, inventive, and connected to broad audiences. But our value extends beyond mere tokenism—it’s an inherent part of who we are and the experiences we bring.

The Ownership Mentality Is a Unique Asset in a World of Conformity

Being the first in our families to enter new domains has instilled in us what I call an 'ownership mentality.' Unlike a mere sense of responsibility, this mentality compels us to care deeply about the impact of our work, to foresee challenges, and to invest in long-term solutions. It's a blend of leadership and personal investment that is hard to come by, making us not just employees but valuable stakeholders. Employers are increasingly recognizing that this trait is not only desirable but necessary for the vitality of their organizations.

The Undercurrents of Microaggressions

As we navigate our roles, microaggressions can function like invisible obstacles. These are often comments that undermine us, creating an environment where we feel like perpetual outsiders. Examples include dismissive remarks about our contributions, exclusion from key discussions, and invasive questions about our backgrounds. These microaggressions might seem minor, but they can have a cumulative, debilitating effect on our professional lives.

The Two Sides of Human Resources

It's essential to approach Human Resources with both caution and due diligence. Remember, HR may aim to do the right thing, but they're also a part of the company's structure, designed to protect the business from potential liabilities. While there are rare exceptions of HR departments that genuinely address concerns, we, as marginalized or first-generation individuals, can't afford to take risks lightly.

Still, if you're facing challenges like microaggressions or outright discrimination, it's essential to bring these issues to light. Document everything—conversations, incidents, and any exchanges that make you feel uncomfortable. Only then can the company begin to address the problem. If your efforts with HR don't result in fair treatment or if the issues escalate, consulting with an employment law attorney becomes a crucial next step.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is not legal advice. If you're facing specific issues, consult with a qualified employment law attorney.

Our Voices Are Not a Burden but a Necessity

The call for diversity in the workplace is no longer just a slogan; it’s a business strategy. Our voices are needed to address the complex issues companies face today. But let’s be clear: The responsibility to diversify and enrich workplace culture isn't ours to shoulder. We bring to the table insights and skills that are not just 'nice-to-haves' but are imperative for modern business survival and growth.

The Future Is Ours to Shape, and Businesses Are Catching On

In sum, we're not just seat-fillers; we're game-changers. Our unique blend of life experiences, coupled with an ownership mentality, makes us invaluable in any professional setting. As businesses evolve to meet new challenges, they are coming to realize what we already know: We are not just part of the conversation; we are leading it. And while the corporate world is still playing catch-up, we continue to be—unquestionably—indispensable.