Living at the Intersection: A Journey Through Dual Identities and Undocumented Realities

Sep 25, 2023

Two Homelands, One Life

Born in Tijuana but raised in Nashville, my life has been a unique recipe—part Mexican heritage, part American experience. The saying "ni de aquí, ni de allá" wasn't just a phrase; it was my lived reality. While Nashville was my home, Tijuana was a distant but crucial part of my identity—a place I could barely remember but felt connected to, especially given my undocumented status. 

Living on the Sidelines

Being undocumented was like standing outside a candy store, looking through the window. I watched my American friends get their first driver's licenses, land their first jobs, and talk about traveling abroad, knowing that these experiences were off-limits for me.

Defying Labels 

I refused to be boxed in by the term "undocumented." It described my legal situation, but it didn't define who I was. While school was my focus, I couldn't shake the feeling of being an outsider, of not fully belonging even though Nashville was the only home I knew. But this sense of being out of place also drove me. It fueled my ambition to create a space where people like me could feel a sense of belonging.

Chasing a Different Dream

Every achievement, big or small, wasn't just for me; it was for all of us who live in the in-between spaces of life. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, but as it turns out, my path led me to different workplaces where I could make a meaningful difference.

Voz and Valor Is A Shared Experience

This platform isn't just about me; it's about all of us. It's about every first-generation individual, every person living in the shadows, who has faced hardships but has come out the other side stronger. This is where we acknowledge not just the struggles but the wins—big and small—that we've achieved along the way.

New Chapter, Same Commitment

I'm pleased to share that I now have documented status. While this marks a significant personal milestone, I recognize it as a privilege not afforded to everyone.

This platform isn't just a spotlight; it's a stage where many can gather, where we amplify the voices that often go unheard. As some of us experience significant milestones, it's crucial not to forget those who are navigating life's complexities, especially without the advantages of documentation or widespread community support.

So let's turn our collective vision toward what lies ahead. Let's use this space to share stories, celebrate each other's triumphs, and offer real support for the struggles that remain. Together, we can create not just a forum, but a movement—an inclusive, empowering community built on empathy, wisdom, and hope for a better tomorrow for everyone.